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8 Poor Financial Habits You Should Get Rid-Off

8 Poor Financial Habits You Should Get Rid-Off in 2024

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Maintaining good money habits can take you closer to achieving your financial goals, allow you to fulfill your obligations easily, and keep you financially secure. You can practice good money habits by ensuring regular savings, being mindful of spending, maintaining a healthy credit report, keeping yourself financially aware, and many more ways.

The new year is when people become more committed and set achievable goals. This year, you should aim to pull the plug on bad financial decisions and develop improved financial habits. 

Bad Money Habits to Avoid in 2024

The new and promising year of 2024 can be a great time for investors to re-evaluate their financial goals and make necessary changes. While some may consider making their emergency saving account more prominent this year, some may enhance their investment portfolio! If you have been stuck with a bad debt, you can focus on creating a debt pay-off plan this year.

Let us identify some bad habits that may have disturbed your financial stability. Get rid of the same this year and augment your financial wellbeing.

1. Not Making A Budget

One of the most common poor financial habits is that people do not build their monthly budget. Budget should be your financial profile’s first and most important consideration. Managing finances without a budget is like working in the dark. Making a budget helps you identify your financial priorities and income-to-spend ratio and ensures saving. Download a budgeting app if you haven’t made a budget or have difficulty adhering to it. You might have to connect your bank accounts to the budgeting app. This will help you track your income and expenses. It is a great way to manage your day-to-day expenses, savings, monthly financial commitments, etc.

2. Lack of Financial Literacy

The habit of not being aware of financial know-how and lack of application of financial skills costs you a lot! Developing financial literacy is extremely important for people to make informed decisions about their money. There are mammoth financial resources available over the internet, magazines and books, podcasts, etc., that can provide valuable insights. Research topics like budgeting, investment, debt management, 50-30-20 budget rule, retirement planning, debt consolidation, credit utilization, credit repair, etc. Engage with trusted financial experts and credit repair partners like DueFactory to sail through the complex financial world.

3. Not Analyzing Your Spending

Bad spending habits are the most potent cause of financial trouble for many! It is vital to track every purchase you make. This will allow you to draw patterns in your spending and identify overspending or shopping for nonessentials. Knowing how much you spent on non-required items in a month will give you a reality check. You can be wary of those expenses the next month and make better choices.

4. Not investing

Saving money is one thing, and investing is another! Some people like to park their money in their bank accounts. This surely keeps your money with you, but it does not grow! Millionaires who started from scratch have built an empire by investing their money wisely. Depending on your investment goals, risk appetite, and age, you must consider investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, etc.

5. Missed/Late Credit Card Payments

This is another bad financial habit you must break in 2024. Missed or late monthly dues create a default, significantly upset your credit bureau score, and hamper your credit report. You must make all the credit card and other payments before the due date. To avoid missing the date, you can set reminders/alarms/activate auto-pay. Also, you can align your due dates per your salary credit date on each card and loan. This can help you manage your payments per your salary credits.

If you have a low credit score and are struggling with loan approval, high-interest rates, etc., connect with Due Factory, a credit repair partner. We can support you in your credit repair journey and help you achieve your financial goals.

6. Not Monitoring Credit Report

When was the last time you pulled your credit report? You must keep monitoring your credit report to check your latest credit score and find any errors in the report. Due Factory provides you with a free credit report. If you find a delinquency in the credit report, write to the concerned credit report immediately. Submit necessary documents validating the errors. It makes sense to clear off any old disputed amounts that may harm your credit score. The benefit of having a high credit score and a clean credit report is way more than carrying an unresolved dispute over a small outstanding in your report. This is also where Due Factory can help you. We can help you clear your old outstanding loan or credit card dues. The credit bureau will quickly re-check your credit history, make changes, and update your credit score.

 7. Paying high-interest debts/loans

Debt has become more expensive due to the high-interest rates. So, if you have high-interest debt, it is time to work on it. Enhancing your credit score is one of the best ways to reduce your interest rate. Individuals with good credit scores get easy loan approvals at a low interest rate. You can also consider debt consolidation to reduce the interest on your debts. No matter what you choose, taking quick action is paramount. The faster you cut your interest rates, the more money you save. Take the help of Due Factory. We ensure easier loans at lower rates and better credit health!

8. Not consulting a Financial Advisor.

Another thing that can be supremely helpful is staying connected to a financial advisor. A financial professional can assess your finances monthly and help establish good financial habits. Due Factory can become your credit repair partner and provide you with deep insights into your credit health, free bureau score, best financial recommendations, and support.

Wrapping up

Old habits die hard, agreed! It is not as simple as waving a magic wand, agreed! But we can certainly be more mindful of unhealthy habits this year and strive to develop wiser ones. Avoid bad money habits, and embrace smarter alternatives for an empowered 2024. 


1. What are the most common bad money habits?

Ans. Not making a budget, overspending, not investing wisely, not checking credit reports, not paying monthly dues timely, not consulting a financial adviser, paying high interest on loans or debts, not keeping oneself financially aware, not analyzing expenditures, etc. are some of the most common bad money habits.

2. What are the five basics of good finance?

Ans. The core finance basics include income, spending, savings, investments, and protection.

3. What is the 50-30-20 rule?

Ans. 50/30/20 is a budget rule that asks you to spend 50% of your income and split the remaining half between savings and debt repayment.

4. Why should I avoid missing credit card payments?

Ans. Missed monthly dues create a default, lower your credit bureau score, and hamper your credit report. A low credit score will leave you struggling with loan approval, high interest rates, etc.

5. How does monitoring credit reports help?

Ans. You must keep monitoring your credit report to check your latest credit score and find any errors in the report. DueFactory provides you with a free credit report.

6. Why should I try improving my credit score?Ans. A good credit score helps you lower interest rates, get easy loans, lower downpayment amounts, etc.

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